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Author, Illustrator, Creative Guy willstrong.art@gmail.com
Showing posts with label Silly-ness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Silly-ness. Show all posts

Monday, May 10, 2010

Frank Passes On

I'm not sure to which afterlife he is headed (probably Valhalla) but Frank Frizetta passed away this afternoon.  His work was of mostly ridiculous things like barbarians fighting the undead, but what can I say?  I love the guy's work (mostly.)  He was dang good at what he did.

Bye Frank.  Say "hi" to Odin for me.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

I decided to do a quick illustration in honor of the holiday.

Do you think it's too subtle?

Also, does anybody even know what this holiday is all about?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me

It was my birthday the other day and Michelle Weaver, an art friend of mine asked me what she should draw on my birthday card this year. I responded something like, "Can you draw me a monster? But not a gross or scary monster. I don't want it to be hyper cute either. Can you draw me a monster that is only slightly threatening but still kind of benign. Like a monster that would only beat you up if you got on it's nerves. Can you do that?"

As it turns out, she can do that.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

More Puppet Shenanigans

I've really been enjoying my puppetry class this semester. I recently did another solo puppet performance in class. This one had to be musical. Go figure.

If you want to see it click here. Under 2nd Presentation find my name (Will) and click it. Wait for video to load and enjoy. It may take a while to load. It's a big file.

By the way, I made that dinosaur puppet out of a stuffed animal I bought at SAVERS for $4. Pretty cool right? I'll post detailed photos later.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I'm taking a class on puppetry at BYU.  It's unlike any class I've ever taken before.  We build puppets, write puppet scripts and do puppet performances.  It's a blast (yeah, I know I'm a bit odd.)

You can check out my first puppet performance here:  FUN TIMES.  (scroll to the bottom and click "Will")

No dialogue was allowed in this one.