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Author, Illustrator, Creative Guy willstrong.art@gmail.com
Showing posts with label Ball Point Pen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ball Point Pen. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Really Cheap Sketch Book

This might just be one of my favorite sketchbooks ever. It was made primarily from things I found in my home. Just corrugated cardboard, copy paper, glue, string and creative juices (sticky and yellow.)

The string wasn't found; I purchased it... and the hole punch. I found the rest.

This is the beginning.

This is the middle.

This is the end.

This is me actually holding the book in my very own hand (I'm in the print lab at school.) See the extra pieces of cardboard glued onto the cover? They are actually helping with the structural integrity of the book (and they look cool.)

Don't ask what this is about or who that guy is because I just don't know.

Monday, November 16, 2009


A recent sketchbook page.  What, doesn't everybody draw cows with delusions of grandeur in their spare bits of time?  I can't be the only one.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This is fun.  No, seriously.  I've been doing so much boring digital color that I can't even describe to you the joy of pushing real paint around on a real piece of paper.

So.  Much.  Fun.

These are pretty small by the way.  Just a couple of inches on each side.  I glue them into my sketch book so I don't lose them.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Rusty Rust Rust

Just a study I did today of some rusty metal.  I'm doing an illustration with a big robot in it and I want to get it right.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

100 Picture Challenge, Day 14: Silence

A silent comic that still manages to have dialogue.  I make no apologies for the less than tasteful joke; this is how I heard it when I was a kid.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

100 Picture Challenge, Day 12: Insanity

It's everybody's favorite green-haired insane freak.  It's The Joker.

I know you might hate me for saying this but, though I thoroughly enjoyed Heath Ledger's performance in The Dark Knight, I have to say that my favorite Joker is still Mark Hamill.  Call me crazy but I think nostalgia plays a big part in that opinion.  

Thank you Bruce Timm.  You created my favorite iteration of the Batman.